Digital Lifestyle

Digital Lifestyle

As technology becomes more tightly interwoven with the fabric of life, the Digital Lifestyle has transformed how we live, work, and think. This seismic shift is not merely about gadgets but a profound societal change brought about by a growing dependency on digital...
Time Compression

Time Compression

A severe snowstorm raged in New York City on Friday, Feb. 21, 1947. Despite the inclement weather, some 650 members of the Optical Society of America had gathered at Hotel Pennsylvania on Seventh Avenue for a highly anticipated demonstration by inventor Edwin Land....
Casual Living

Casual Living

In the 1940s, Duke Kahanamoku, a prominent Hawaiian surfer, approached Royal Hawaiian Hotel management and proposed that staff begin wearing Hawaiian shirts every Friday.  The observance, initially dubbed Aloha Shirt Friday, was renamed Aloha Friday in 1966. Little...


There it was: the umpteenth TV commercial featuring a woman doing the housework. You fill in the brand: PAM, Tide, McCormick’s, or even hip Target — all relegate women to that subsidiary role of “happy homemaker.” You would think the Renaissance thinkers in...


Rodney King’s 1991 beating was a watershed moment in modern history. Not only was it groundbreaking due to the light it shed on police violence, but the captured video also surfaced a visibility Ubertrend, Voyeurgasm, which points to a future where smartphones, action...


When the Zenith Space Command remote control went into production in 1956, few could have predicted that this ultrasonic gadget would be the catalyst for a whole new era of wireless devices, and the birth of the couch potato generation. Zenith’s ultrasonic technology...